Logos are an important part of your company and what it represents. When you think of popular logos, the first few that come to mind could be McDonald’s, Nike or Apple. These logos are some of the simplest logos one can create. Yet, they are easily identifiable no matter where you live or what language you speak—they are that effective. We sometimes even recognize a logo before we can remember the company name. This shows how impressionable a simple logo can be. Sometimes the font, shape or colour of the logo can be an instant identifier.
Logos are important for your business because they identify who you are as a company and what you’re about. No matter how small your company is. To have a professionally made logo shows that you’re in it for the long haul. You’re invested in your company whole-heartedly.
Your logo should be visually stimulating and simple. You should also take into consideration who and what you are targeting. If you are targeting specific people or groups. Consider the look of your logo as it pertains to those you are trying to reach.
There’s even an APP for that! It’s called Logos Quiz Game and it easily proves the concept of how easy or hard it can be to match a logo with a company. The game leaves out key components of the company’s logos. It leaves you to guess the company name with what is shown. It’s incredible how vague the logo can look and yet, you can still recognize what company it belongs to. Subconsciously, the logo is etched in the back of your brain somewhere.
Here is a screen capture of the game. How many of these logos can you guess?
Don’t forget that research is also a crucial part when deciding on your logo. Be sure to research different design agencies by their experience and, most importantly, by their customer reviews. The credibility of the company you choose will most likely dictate the success of your logo. Speaking of credible design agencies, JEV Marketing and Communications can create the perfect custom logo for your company. Contact us today if you are looking for a fresh logo design for your company!