Unlock the Full Potential of Your Online Presence with JEV Marketing’s Advanced Marketing & Web Innovation Program

In today’s digital landscape, your website is more than just a platform; it’s a pivotal battleground for customer relationships and brand loyalty. Unfortunately, a significant 90% of customers feel that companies fail to understand their needs, often judging businesses based on their online experiences. This is where JEV Marketing steps in with our revolutionary Website Optimization Program, designed to turn your website from a simple information portal into a dynamic tool that actively builds successful customer relationships.


Say Goodbye to Dull Brochureware


The era of static, uninspiring ‘brochureware’ websites is over. Consumers demand engaging, interactive experiences that not only inform but also delight and captivate. At JEV Marketing, we specialize in creating stunning web designs and innovative mobile apps that not only meet but exceed these expectations, ensuring your brand stands out and makes a lasting impression.


What Can You Expect from Our Website Optimization Program?


Our program is tailored to understand deeply and leverage what your customers and prospects genuinely want—and just as importantly, what they don’t. Here’s how we make your website a powerhouse:

    • Personalized Communication: We strategize on how to communicate with your audience in the way they prefer, creating a more personalized experience that resonates.
    • Engagement and Interaction: Discover powerful strategies to keep your audience engaged, turning passive visitors into active participants in your brand’s story.
    • Actionable Insights: Gain valuable insights from direct customer feedback, learning from what they admire about competitors and what gaps you can fill.
    • Cost-Effective Solutions: We focus on making your website and associated marketing efforts not only more impactful but also more cost-effective.
    • Transform Visitors into Advocates: Learn our simple yet effective approach to convert transactional website visitors into powerful advocates for your products or services.


Designed by Experts, Tailored for Success


Our Website Optimization Program isn’t just a service—it’s a partnership. Crafted by an award-winning marketer with over 30 years of experience in building successful online companies, this program is designed to be flexible, adapting to any web development project whether you’re looking to build a new site or rejuvenate your existing one.


Get Started Today


Don’t let your website be a barrier to your business success. Join the ranks of satisfied clients who have transformed their online presence with JEV Marketing. Contact us today to learn more about how our Advanced Marketing & Web Innovation Program can help elevate your website and your business.

Revolutionize Your Accounts Payable Department with Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is an emerging technology that automates repetitive tasks in a variety of industries. By using software robots or “bots,” RPA can significantly reduce manual labor, decrease operational costs, and improve process efficiency. One industry that has benefited greatly from RPA is the Accounts Payable department.


Traditionally, Accounts Payable departments have been heavily dependent on manual processes, which are prone to errors and inefficiencies. With the implementation of RPA, these processes can be automated, freeing up employees’ time to focus on higher-value tasks. For example, RPA can be used to automatically process invoices, matching them with purchase orders and routing them for approval. By automating these tasks, organizations can reduce processing times, increase accuracy, and minimize late payment fees.


The benefits of RPA in Accounts Payable are not limited to cost and time savings. RPA can also enhance compliance by ensuring that invoices are processed according to established policies and procedures. Additionally, RPA can improve supplier relationships by providing real-time updates on payment status and reducing the risk of payment errors.


RPA is also beneficial in other industries, such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. In healthcare, RPA can be used to automate insurance claims processing and patient record management. In finance, RPA can be used to automate data entry and reconciliation, as well as compliance reporting. In manufacturing, RPA can be used to automate inventory management and supply chain operations.


To summarize, RPA is an innovative technology that has transformed the way businesses operate. By automating repetitive tasks, RPA can reduce costs, improve process efficiency, enhance compliance, and much more.


If you’re interested in implementing RPA in your organization, JEV Marketing can help. Our team of experts can assist with every step of the implementation process, from identifying the best RPA tools for your business to providing ongoing support and maintenance. Contact us today to learn more about how RPA can benefit your organization and how we can help you implement it.

Thinking About Building a Website? Here’s What You Need to Know

Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash


It seems like “build a website” has become the catch-all answer to developing an online presence. And while there are many advantages and benefits to setting up your own platform, what many seem to miss is that it’s more a matter of timing than anything else.


So, here are some thoughts to consider before rushing into creating your home on the web.

What Are The Pros & Cons Of Starting A Website?

Here are some key pros and cons you should be aware of:

Pros To Building A Website

• You get to have complete control over your site’s messaging and design
• You can convert visitors into email subscribers and customers
• You can create a distraction-free environment for your content and products (no notification bell)

Cons To Building A Website

• If you don’t know how to code, chances are you will require the ongoing (and potentially expensive) help of a designer/developer
• There will be no traffic to your website upon launch, and it takes time to build
• Ongoing maintenance requires, time, effort, money, or some combination of the three

Why You Shouldn’t Start With A Website

Do you have your niche and target audience figured out? Do you know what topics they’re interested in and where they hang out online? Your overall brand and messaging?


If not, setting up a website could be premature. What if you end up changing direction? What if you need to adjust or pivot? What if the clever domain you choose for yourself loses relevance over time?

What Platform Do You Even Build On?

Let’s say the time is right for your website. What platform do you even build on? Most companies with a horse in the race are trying to convince you that their solution is best.


Perhaps five years ago the answer was WordPress, but depending on what you’re building, you might be better served with Wix, ClickFunnels, or 10XPro these days.


This depends a lot more on the functionality you need versus ease of use. Ease of use alone should not be the determining factor, because what if the solution you choose isn’t scalable, and doesn’t have the built-in functionality you need to grow your platform later?

What’s The Best Place To Start?

Okay, so websites are hard. Does that mean you should start on social media instead?


Honestly, social media is more saturated than ever. Everyone is seeking attention.


The trick here is to exercise some restraint and focus on one platform. It’s going to take some time to find your voice, so start the journey of publishing and curating as soon as possible, and as your message resonates, you will find your audience.


The other upside is that, if you build an engaged following on a social media platform, you’re going to have traffic to send to your website when you finally launch it.

Final Thoughts

More than ever, you have options when it comes to developing an online presence.


So, be smart and calculated about it. It might seem like a website would make you a “big shot,” but that’s not the case anymore.


At the same time, social media sites are known to change at the drop of a hat. Algorithms change. Accounts are banned or deleted. Some platforms even get shut down.


The key is to set yourself up for success, no matter the channel.

Is Your Brand Recruiting for Your Business? 5 Ways to Get More Mileage Out of Your Job Postings


Job boards represent a goldmine of opportunity for recruiters. You can rapidly post up-to-date opportunities for your company, highlight new and relevant postings for in-demand positions, and attract the right people to your company 24/7.


Having or creating a dedicated platform of your own gives you even more flexibility, because you can exercise control over the content of your job board. And that’s essential if you want to get more mileage out of your job postings.


Here we’ll look at several steps you can follow to make the most of your online recruiting efforts.


Clarity & Visual Appeal Are Paramount to Your Success


Every job seeker has come across intimidating walls of text in search of a possible career opportunity, only to turn away and begin their search elsewhere because their eyes started glazing over reading and trying to make sense of the posting.


Even if not for that, qualified candidates sometimes overlook perfectly viable opportunities because the experience and qualifications required looks thoroughly unapproachable.


If you can offer crystal clarity and add visual appeal to your job postings (without sacrificing professionalism, of course), you will receive more applications, and have a better chance at filling essential roles faster.


Here are a few ways to ensure your postings are clear and attractive:


1. Offer Specific Details About The Role

What kind of projects will they be taking on? Who will they be working with? What are the “must-haves” and “nice-to-haves” (have you distinguished the two)?


Always be specific rather than general whenever and wherever possible.


2. Keep Job Titles Simple & Straightforward

Within your own company, you might use terms like “wizard,” “ninja,” or “rockstar.” But these can be confusing for prospective candidates.


Keep job titles obvious, so those looking for opportunities in specific categories can easily find you.


3. Share About Your Company

Offer specific details about your company, and again, be as specific as possible. Let candidates know what they can expect in terms of benefits and perks.


4. Avoid Jargon & Convoluted Sentences

Don’t use jargon that your candidates aren’t likely to understand or won’t be familiar with. It’s fine if you include details about HTML, JavaScript, and PHP if you’re hiring for a web developer. But it could leave an accountant confused.


It’s okay to speak directly to your candidate. Say, “you,” and not “someone in this role,” or “the best candidate is…”


5. Be Inclusive

“Young and energetic” is not inclusive. Watch out for any language that could be construed as excluding, and allow for a diverse range of candidates to respond to your job postings.


And if your company is a supporter of inclusivity, be sure to let your candidates know.


Final Thoughts


Are you looking to add a job board to your website? For more information on job boards and how to set up your own, click here to contach us.

Things Turning Customers Away From Your Website

Photo by Clément H on Unsplash


Does your website entice people to come into your business or send them running? A good website, a well-maintained website will draw customers in. On the opposite end of the spectrum, several things will repel customers away from the site and potentially a business. Let’s take a look at some of the things that will make people click away from your website.


1. Colours and Graphics Matters


In marketing calls to action. A call to action should be subtle. It should tell the customer you can answer the need they have, without being over the top.


Colours should make a website easily readable. Using colours like red and yellow will make reading a website difficult. As such, customers will typically be turned off of the site and not want to work with the company again.


Some ask, “what if the colours on the website are the company colours?” It doesn’t matter. What works in a real-life situation does not matter online. Typically, a combination of white and black will work best for websites. For a splash of colour, make a banner with the name of the company. But readability is the name of the game.

Flashing graphics may seem appealing but they can turn people off since they can be harder to read. Those type of graphics also take away from the content that is being shared on the website. Therefore, it is best to avoid it altogether.


2. Navigating The Website


Nothing is more frustrating than going to a company’s website and clicking a dead link. This will cause customers to associate the irritation with your business. Dead links always cause more issues than what they are worth. Fixing anything that doesn’t lead somewhere on the website should be the first priority for the IT team.


Along with dead links, make sure navigating the website is easy. This seems like a common-sense suggestion but some websites are difficult to use. Once a customer gets frustrated, they will close the website and head to a competitor’s site. Every piece of information should be easily accessible within 3 clicks after a customer arrives at your website. There is very little patience with today’s consumers, they expect to be able to get their information relatively fast. When they don’t it’s an issue.


Another issue when it comes to accessibility is the mobile version. Many people use their phones to access the internet now, so a mobile-friendly site is imperative. A site that isn’t friendly for phones will lead to a loss of sales, possibly for good. Don’t frustrate customers, make it easy for them.


3. Content Is King


Drawing people to your website is essential for business. The best way to do that is by having engaging content. Content that has nothing to do with the business will not do anything to attract customers. As with all marketing principles, it is not enough to know the customer. You have to know what they want before they do.


One way to do this is to offer a video explaining and demonstrating your products. Another way to show customers why they should choose your company is to have testimonials on your site. This will show others have used and enjoyed the product.


Bad content would be a sports company talking about eating chocolate cake. People love chocolate cake for sure, but they didn’t go to a sports site to read about that. They wanted to find something about the equipment needed for the sport. Or the newest shoes being released for their favourite activity.


Another example of bad content is when a business pats itself on the back. Maybe you are the best at what you do, but lead the customer to that conclusion. Everyone wants to be treated like they are smart and need to feel as if they “discovered” something special. Therefore, the content on your website should show off your expertise. But not in a way that would make it look like a showoff.


Your website can be the first look a customer has at your business. It is imperative to put your best foot forward and make sure the website is near perfect. We want to help make sure everything is looking good on your end. Talk to us about your company’s website today. We will get you noticed!

 Contact our team today to find out how we can help.

Turning The Next Big Mobile App Idea Into The Next Big App


Now that you’ve had your light-bulb moment and you’re certain you have the next big mobile app idea. What should you do next?


It’s not simply a matter of just quickly developing it and putting it in app stores. Even the best ideas fail miserably if they’re not executed properly.


With 2.1 million apps for Android and 1.8 Million for iOS as of June 2019, you have a lot of competition. However, your idea could still become the next big app with a little hard work.


Write It All Out


You can’t just excitedly explain the idea to everyone you meet. Instead, you have to write it all down. It might seem like free-writing to start with, but you can organize it later. You need a clear feature list, purpose and target audience in place when you’re finally done.


Why does this matter? If you want to develop it yourself, you’ll need all those notes. If you want someone else to develop it and/or invest in it, you’ll need your plan in place to present.


Discover Competition And Audience


This might seem like the first step. But until you have everything laid out, it’s difficult to understand. Your next big app idea may not be unique or even wanted. Once you have your plan in place, do some market research. One of the top reasons the majority of apps fail to take off is they weren’t researched well enough.


For instance, if you develop an app similar to a dozen others, and has the same major flaw, it’ll be ignored. With research, you’d discover the flaw, fix it and have a major advantage over the competition.


If you think your idea will lead to the next big mobile app, make sure everyone else feels the same. Check out the competition. Look at user reviews. Do surveys to see what people think. It’s better to spend time researching now than try to figure out why your incredible idea isn’t going anywhere.


Create A Rough Draft


Whether you do it yourself or hire someone else, you need to create a rough draft first. Use a wireframing tool to work up a rough overview of how your app. The wireframe will display how it works and how users would interact with it. If you want to get more technical, start working up the UI and UX design. It doesn’t have to be perfect but this will get you started. It also gives you something to present to investors, developers and potential users to see if there’s any interest.


Determine Who’ll Develop It


Now for the hardest part – who will turn the next big mobile app idea into a reality? Your first instinct might be to do it yourself. After all, with so many free development tools, why not? However, unless you’re an experienced mobile app developer, you’ll likely run into major issues, such as:


  • Keeping app consistency between platforms
  • Understanding app permissions (and whether your app can work without them)
  • Considering differences in devices
  • Ensuring security, such as not leaving flaws for hackers to exploit
  • Having an unbiased view of the project (professional developers can point out flaws that you may not be able to see yourself)


Of course, this doesn’t even include all the technical details. Just a single misstep could render your app useless.


If you choose a professional, evaluate their reputation carefully. Don’t just look at their estimate. Even more importantly, ensure they have a history of working alongside their customers and not just for. This is your idea and you should be involved throughout the process. To ensure you get the app your customers deserve.


Interested in learning more about turning your app idea into the next big app? Contact our team today to find out how we can help.


Image: Jens Johnsson

How Visual Testimonials Will Increase Auto Sales

Buying a car shouldn’t be just your average customer experience. The purchasing of a car is a big deal to your customers, filled with lots of emotions and expectations. While some customers may forget their bad experiences of purchasing a car, the internet doesn’t. Online review sites are continuing to grow in popularity. Its become easier than ever for disappointed customers to air their poor sales experiences in a very public forum.


Testimonials work because of consumer believe that they are unbiased opinions and a sense of trust is established. With online review sites growing in popularity especially with millennials, the most plugged-in generation. Approaching the age of purchasing power, online reputation is more important than ever. With changing customer expectations and the rising importance of consumer reviews. Companies cannot afford to ignore the promotion of the customer experience.



The Proof is in Visual Testimonials

Potential customers often look to their family, friends or even strangers on the internet. They seek for guidance or advice before purchasing a product. They like to put a face to a name. It helps them feel more secure and confident in what you’re claiming. It shows that it’s coming from a real person.


Adding an image or video is a simple but effective addition. It will increase your dealerships trust factor with 94% more views than just normal text reviews (MDG Advertising). Video testimonials, specifically, has become the most effective communication tool for reviews, engaging users like no other platform.




They’re all Different, but all the Same

Now it is quite clear that every customer is different. Every customer will have a buying process unique to themselves. However, most customers have one thing in common: they go online first. In a study completed it showed that 83% of buyers do online research before buying a car. 48% do their online shopping for 1-3 months before they actually go to purchase the car (Lab42). This means that over 80% of people buying cars are online first. They are looking through the dealership’s website, Facebook pages, or some other secondary online forum.


These customers go online in hopes of finding reviews of other buyers’ experiences. However, without intentionally realizing it, they also look at the human element in the buying process. By including testimonials from other clients through images and videos. Which allows the dealership to show potential customers what they have done, and experiences they have provided.



Why Visual Testimonials are the Way to Go

But, let’s take that on step further. Taking pictures and videos of these happy customers and putting them on your website. This can show this potential customer just how great the experience really is. Something about a big smile or a little happy dance next to the car. This allows for users to see an experience they could have if they purchase a car from that dealership.


In addition, customers will be encouraged to share their experiences on social media. Share links will be available for every review. This allows for consumers to share directly from the site onto their social media accounts to all their followers.


Traditionally dealerships have thrived from word-of-mouth for their sales. But with this tool, dealerships can begin to reach a wide variety of customers on a whole other level. Turning the experience of buying a car into one with a lasting impression.



How can we Help?

Here at JEV, we want to help your dealership with our testimonial widget. To ensure the already amazing, customer experience is captured and shared online with their friends and family. Our widget can be added to your existing website. Which allows you to display these testimonials and visuals for your clients and potential customers.


Visit: www.GetHappyCustomers.ca or contact us @ (519) 966-3094 for a free demo.



Mobile Apps 5 Things to Know when Developing One

Mobile Apps Key Factors

There are several key factors need to be considered before rushing into the development of a mobile app. You need a strong plan to limit the chances of potential problems in the future; minimizing the chances of creating expensive re-work, limiting profitability, and decreasing utility. Before you start this long process, consider these following questions:




1. Why do you need a Mobile App?

Mobile apps are created to serve a specific purpose; creating offers and opportunities that differ from what your business website already provides. In addition, it can be a way to reach and interact with current and potential customers more easily. It is very important to have a specific goal in mind. To consider what exactly you want to achieve with the creation of this app. What’s your vision? What business goals do you want to achieve?




2. What is it’s functionality?

Does the functionality provide purpose or value for your customers or your organization? If the functionality does not create efficiency, make the routine task easier, or provide some type of unique/needed value. Then it is unlikely to achieve continuous consumer use.



Experience & Design

3. Native App or Mobile Website?

If your app needs access to specific mobile device functions. Then creating a native app may be in your best interest. If you simply are trying to provide customers with an optimized mobile experience from your existing website. Then a mobile website might be just right for you. If you decide to go the native route, what operating system do you need the app to be designed for? iOS or Android? Perhaps both. This all depends on your business and what you wish to achieve. Through the clear understanding of what your target needs, including usage patterns, user needs, and device habits. For a more in-depth discussion of the pros and cons of both options, read our blog post on the differences between Native and Mobile Apps here.




4. Does the developer have a good understanding of design or usability?

If the mobile app is not able to function with ease, it is easy to lose consumer interests. It crucial for the mobile app developer to have a clear understanding of design options and constraints. To create the best possible function experience. This includes ensuring that everything is optimized for consumer use; the right sized buttons and fonts, easy navigation, and other factors that will make it enjoyable for consumer use.



Post Launch

5. Create a Plan to Engage and Re-Engage Users
First-time user experience is very important when it comes to engaging customers. The users should quickly fully understand the value of your app and should receive positive incentives. Such as personalized push notifications, to keep them consistently engaged. This will help deliver a better experience and to engage and re-engage the user. It will also will limit the chances of them deleting your app. Furthermore, social sharing is a must. Not only will it allow them to engage with your brand. But it also allows for organic exposure through their social media channels and followers. If your users happen to be unengaged, figure out why. You can do this through user feedback and analytics. Once the problem is established, figure out a solution to re-engage.



Is a mobile app right for your business? Contact us to set up a phone meeting with one of our mobile app specialist to discuss the possibilities. Click here to complete our request a quote form or just call 1-877-458-2411 for further information.

How To Choose A Mobile App Best Suited For Your Company


Why a Mobile App?


As Matt Galligan, former CEO of Circa News, put it “The future of mobile is the future of everything”. Currently, users spend 90% of their time in apps as compared to a mobile website, as shown by Smart Insights. This means that this constantly growing connection with their mobile devices can only increase the opportunities your business has to reach them.



Mobile app usage



Mobile apps can include easily updated content. There are also multiple branding opportunities with the visual real estate you now have on their devices. Lastly, it will allow for features such as push notifications.


How to Choose A Mobile App

What Types of Mobile Apps Are Out There


There are three types of mobile apps, Native Apps, Hybrid Apps, and Mobile Websites. Let’s go over each type and talk about the advantages and disadvantage of each.



Native Apps


Native apps are what people think of when they initially think of mobile apps. They are accessed through an icon on the device, and often do not need an internet connection to work.

Native apps can be a bit of a hassle. They have to be created individually for each operating system. They may also have to complete in different sizes for a different device. For example, like a smartphone vs. a tablet. This means if you want your app to be in the Apple Store and the Google Play Store. Two separate versions of the app will have to be created. It also means any updates that have to be completed will have to be done on each separate platform as well. This is also why this type of app is typically the most expensive to develop and maintain.

However, if done right you can have amazing results; native apps do have the highest performance out of the three options, leading to the best user experience. They allow for close integration into the operating system of the device. This means they can access features like the camera, geolocation, gyroscope, and the accelerometer.



Hybrid Apps


The next type of app is a hybrid app. This, as its name suggests, is a hybrid between a mobile website and a native app. These apps are accessed through an icon on the device. But may require an internet connection for any links to web pages. In a sense, it is a mobile website in a native app’s clothing. They are often existing web pages put into an app. For a company to get a presence in the app store and amongst users mobile devices.

Hybrid apps can be a bit slower than a native app. This is because it is pulling cached information from the device as well as from the online server. This can take away from the overall user experience of the app. While it can use many functions on the device, similar to the native apps, there are some limitations to its ability to integrate with the operating system.

Hybrid apps do not require the apps to be created completely separately for each operating system. Many of the components during the development processed can be shared amongst different operating systems. Although certain components do have to created separately. This will put the cost somewhere in between native and mobile websites.


Mobile Website


On the other end of the spectrum, mobile websites are very different from native apps. Mobile websites are essentially responsive web pages that open in a device’s browser. This would mean that these apps require internet connection.

Mobile websites will allow for little integration into the operating system. With access to features like geolocation, and sometimes the camera. Mobile websites will also not allow for any app store presence. This is because there is no physical app to download onto a device.

Web websites tend to cost the least, which can work on all operating systems with very few to no differences. This can make it easier to update later on as one change will update the site on all platforms.



What Type is Best for My Business

As with most business practices, what is best for your business may be different from someone else’s. It is important to evaluate your company’s goals and objectives for your app. Then decide on a price point for the development of the app. Additionally, and likely the most important factor, is how you want to interact with your customers. An app is all about the experience the user has.



What’s Next?


We would be happy to help bring your idea to life and ensure your app produces and ROI. Here is our process for creating mobile apps:



Research and Discovery

In this initial phase, we will work on defining your goals and hold brainstorming and discovery sessions. During this stage, we may also conduct user research in the form of surveys and interviews.



Strategy and Experience

Taking what we learned from the previous stage we will begin to develop user personas. Empathy maps and experience maps to better identify with the users. As a part of user experience design and strategy, we will also put together the user flow. Information architecture, sitemaps, and compiling user stories.



User-Centred Design

This will involve initial concept sketching, designing wireframes, building clickable prototypes, and ultimately visual design.



Application Development

In this stage, we will take the information gathered in the previous stages. Begin the actual development of the application, now that we have a complete design and specification document.




Deciding what type of app to create for your company can make or break how your users see your brand. We would be happy to help you out with that process. You can contact us or request a quote for app development on our quote request form.


Next, let’s break down that information a bit:



Type Advantages Disadvantages
Native Apps
  • Highest Performance
  • High level of integration to the device’s features
  • Has to be created and updated separately for each OS
  • Most expensive
Hybrid Apps
  • Shared development components for different OS
  • Moderate cost
  • Runs slower than native
  • Limited integration to device’s feature
Mobile Website
  • Easily updated across all devices
  • Costs the least
  • Very little integration to device’s features
  • No app store presence
  • Requires internet connection


Mobile App Why Your Business Needs One


If you want to stay ahead of the competition and are growing your small or medium-sized business. You cannot overlook the advantages of a mobile app for your business.



Apps are an Ideal Tool to Use for All Sizes of Companies

If you think a mobile app is solely designed for big companies, such as Wal-Mart or Target. You need to review the benefits of using an app for small and medium-sized companies. An ever-increasing number of businesses are optimizing their marketing and promotions with both mobile-friendly sites and applications.

The rise in the usage of the mobile phone also means that smartphone mobile apps are used as key marketing tools. This means for both small and large businesses. As a result, the apps increase customer engagement. It also boost repeat visits and permit users to take advantage of a broad range of transactions online. You can use your app to deliver coupons, deploy loyalty cards and promote e-commerce transactions as well. In addition, apps increase contact with your business. This is especially important in a market where quick responses are acknowledged, if not recognized.



Take Your Business to the Next Stage of Growth

Many small businesses today, as a result, use their own dedicated app. Whether it is a beauty salon or the coffee shop at the corner. Any company that has an app is taking its marketing and business to the next stage of growth.



The Benefits of Providing an App for Customers

You, too, will see the advantages of a business app when you review the following benefits.



  1. An App Keeps Your Business in the Customer’s Mind Research reveals that people in the US spend about two hours per day on their mobile device. That means each user must unlock, scroll and scan their device when looking for apps. You also remain consistently visible.
  2. An App Allows You to Provide a Direct Marketing ChannelApps are both functional and practical. They supply general information about a company, pricing details, and search features. It also supplies messengers, news feeds, user accounts and an array of details. Your customers can be access any information you wish to provide conveniently. When you include push notifications, you are almost directly interacting with your customer base. Apps make it possible for you to remind customers about services and products, including special promotions and sales.
  3. An App Provides Value to Your CustomersAn app can also be used so customers can collect royalty rewards. As a result, more downloads take place as well as return customers.
  4. An App Helps You Build on Your Brand RecognitionIf you wish to add to your brand awareness, then you can receive the recognition you deserve by the simple creation of an app. That is because a mobile app can be made so it offers features customers love. While beautifully configured and well-branded at the same time. This helps you achieve recognition. The more often customers use your app, the more your company and business will be recognized. In the ad world, this practice is known as the “effective frequency.” Hearing or seeing a brand about 20 times helps a business get noticed.
  5. An App Enhances Customer EngagementWith an app, you can feature help desk assistance that will enhance customer communications or you can opt for messaging. Give your customers the opportunity to communicate with you via both text and the phone.



Is a mobile app right for your business? Contact us to set up a phone meeting with one of our mobile app specialist to discuss the possibilities. Click here to complete our contact form or just call 1-877-458-2411


Remember everyone will have a mobile app for there business at some point the question is when!